Saturday, February 8, 2014


I observed Mr. comer being fed and rise up he was spit outing more than normal during his repast, nevertheless was informed that this was quite normal for him. I was asked to feed him the next day. When I uncovered Mr Comer?s meal he started to cough in the same manner that I had witnessed before, besides this age he evaded all kernel contact. I was spirit highly anxious, but proceeded to load a spoon with his meal. His spit up increase in intensity accompanied by speedy eye blinking, turning his head away from me and throaty groans that I notify only describe as distressed call growling. I was terrified at this point and called for assistance, thinking Mr. Comer was having some kind of seizure. I discovered very(prenominal) quickly from different health carer who knew Mr. Comer well, that he was protesting profusely about the pureed dinner party party I was going to give him which he shuns immensely. On the former day, he had received an ordinary meal, mashe d to a good-tempered Consistency, which is what his carers provided for him at home. This cognize left me feeling very disquieting and piteous in my role. I tried to understand why he reacted so alarmingly by putting myself in his position. I felt anger and frustration, but more significantly the feeling of helplessness. Not being able to voice my dislike to the meal offered exacerbated by the urgency of hunger or thirst. Although this experience was very frightening for me and frustrating for the patient, it has highlighted the need for me to improve my converse skills. NMC (2002) outlines that we must(prenominal) not add extra stress or resentment to a patient by our actions and we must use our master key skills to identify patient?s ?preferences regarding care?and the goals of the therapeutic family?. Severtseen (1990) cited by Duxbury (2000) applies the term ?therapeutic communication? as the colloquy among nurse and patient to achieve goals tailored me rely to the patients needs. In this case dia! logue is used by Mr. Comer...If you requisite to sire a full essay, order it on our website:

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