Friday, February 7, 2014


Outcasts in wad Steinbecks Of Mice and Men In the parole Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck illustrates the nakedness of California ranch life during the different(a) 1900s. throughout the story, Steinbeck introduces characters that are isolated and lonely as a get out of discrimination and prejudice. The racism towards Crooks, the physiologic impediment of both Crooks and glaze over, and the terror towards Curleys wife causes them to suffer from loneliness and the pain of creation pariahs. Crooks is an outcast because of his race and physical disability. He is a baleful valet de chambre, and black men were discriminated against during the premature 1900s. I aint wanted in the flap house I cant play because Im black. They say I stink (pg. 68) He is in any case physic whollyy disable because he Got a crooked game where a horse kicked him. (pg. 20) abusive people werent tempered well in rescript during that time, and being a disabled black man retributive made thing s worse. Crooks may be nice and good at his job, but the others dont care. To them a black man is a black man, no matter how he acts or what he can do. Candy is an outcast because his age and physical disability makes him different from the ease of the men on the ranch. He is overaged and is missing a hand, which he had anomic at the ranch. Candy is always excluded from the other ranch hands activities, interchangeable going to Old Susys place and playing horseshoes. When Crooks asked Lennie whether all of the guys went to town or not, Lennie utter: All but old Candy. He just sets in the bunk house (pg 69) He is afraid that he go forth be rejected by the others because he is different from them. The total living thing he didnt have to devotion rejection from was his dog. After he had lost his dog, he felt oftentimes lonelier than he was before, since his dog was the only received companion in the world he had. Curleys wife appears to be an outcast in this book because o f her sex. It is true that she is the only f! emale on the ranch, but that isnt the master(prenominal) reason she is an...If you want to get a full essay, frame it on our website:

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